Traffic Tickets

Information related to traffic tickets and traffic court.

Q&A - Worth disputing the penalty for use of electronic device while driving?

Q&A ImageFirst the background. Got pulled over last week for checking a message on my cell phone. Traffic was bumper to bumper and not moving. The reason I checked my phone was, I let someone I had a meeting with know I would not be able to make it because of the traffic.

Q&A - Two Tickets for One Crash

crash cartoonI was given a ticket after I alledgedly hit a parked car with no one inside.

I was first given a ticket for breaking section 68(1) for hitting this vehicle. Several days later a different officer of the Port Moody police came back and gave me a second ticket for breaking section 68(2). These 2 tickets were given to me for the one single alledged offense. They both have the same date as well.

Q&A - Speeding Ticket on the Georgia Viaduct

Q&A ImageI got a speeding ticket today at Georgia Viaduct and here is what happened: I was driving down Georgia St (middle lane) heading east.  Knowing that Georgia Viaduct is a speed trap (I received a ticket at the same spot two years ago), I stayed behind a Grey Mazda 3 and made sure I was within the speed limit (around 50km/hr).

CASE LAW - R v Song

BC Courts Coat of ArmsMr. En Song received a traffic ticket for speeding in a school zone while traveling down a steep hill.  He had some difficulty communicating with the police officer due to language problems. He had asked what his speed was and the officer did not tell him. He paid the ticket in full within 30 days.

Q&A - Raising a Charter Issue in Traffic Court

Q&A ImageI have done fairly extensive on-line research on disputing tickets and, in particular, requesting a stay based on the Charter argument related to delay (seeing as we are in the 18 month range from date of offense to first appearance) and I have found a lot of interesting material related to how to do this (Charter argument) in other jurisdictions (like Ontario), such as the kinds of forms you need to file, the style of cause et