Traffic Tickets

Information related to traffic tickets and traffic court.

Q&A - Helping Out in Court

Q&A ImageI am representing my tenant in court as his English fluency is somewhat weak. As 2 officers stopped him, I was wondering if I were to call evidence from the officer who does not show up (assuming only 1 officer comes to court) would the Justice throw the case out since that would not be possible?

Q&A - Unpaid Traffic Tickets and Collection Agencies

Question: Q&A ImageAre collection agencies involved in collecting unpaid traffic tickets issued in BC? The collection agency that contacted me has been sending correspondence to an address in Delta. I have not had a drivers licence in BC or lived in BC for a long time. Now 7 years later they want me to pay the fine or risk having it effect my credit rating.

Nothing But a Tax Grab

Ticket Writer"This is nothing but a tax grab!" These words were often spoken by drivers during or just after signing to acknowledge the receipt of a violation ticket. I can understand being the target of an expression of frustration in these circumstances, but I wish that the expressing had a little thought behind it rather than just parroting something inappropriate to the circumstances.

Q&A - Question of Two Driver's Licences

Q&A ImageI got a ticket for speeding on my Alberta license in Vancouver. I disputed that ticket and my court date is this week. Since then, I have gotten a BC license and no longer hold an Alberta license. I was wondering, since I no longer hold that license, how does this ticket affect me?

Will it appear on my driving record?

Will the demerits show up on my BC license as well?

Avoiding Penalty Points

Violation Ticket TopOne of the recurring themes among DriveSmartBC correspondents involves avoiding penalty points after a driver has received a traffic ticket for committing a hazardous moving violation. Often the driver realizes that they have erred and are willing to pay the fine but want to avoid having penalty points assessed for the transgression.

Failure to Keep Right

Q&A ImageQuestion: I got a ticket from an officer for "failure to keep right" after he showed up an hour after I had hydroplaned off of a ONE WAY to the right of the road. He gave me this ticket and he said he was being "nice" because he felt he could have gave me a speeding ticket (even thought he wasn't there) Do I have a case ?

Q&A - Ticketed for Using Cell Phone When Engine was Off

Q&A ImageI was handed a traffic violation ticket today for 'use of electronic device when driving", however I was stopped in traffic in the right-most lane, and the engine to my vehicle was off due to a Start/Stop feature that shuts my engine down every time my car comes to a complete stop (for fuel efficiency purposes).