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VIDEO- How to Stop Speeding in Your Neighbourhood

VideoThere's a little known secret that can be used to stop speeding in your neighbourhood. Make the roads more narrow! A wide, empty street just entices drivers to increase their speed. They will unconsciously readjust their perceived risk and drive at a speed based on how comfortable they feel driving on your street.

VIDEO - Amazon's Alexa: Back Seat Driver

VideoLet's not be serious for a moment and enjoy a quick humourous video about a driver assistance system that features Amazon's Alexa. In this case it's Alexa doing that tattling, but I have stopped a driver in the past for not wearing his seatbelt and had the child in the passenger seat pipe up "See Dad, I told you to put it on when we left!"

VIDEO - Protected Intersections

VideoWhile this video is titled "Making a Community Safer for Pedestrians | A Protected Intersection" it should also include cyclists with the pedestrians as it protects them too. Local stakeholders are interviewed about the rationale for picking this intersection and why the changes that have been made work to make it safer.

TRAFFIC COURT - Presenting Video Evidence

VideoSmart phones and dash cams may produce video evidence to defend yourself with in traffic court. However, it's not a good plan to show up with your smartphone in hand and try to show that video to both the prosection and the judical justice while you explain your point. In fact, some judicial justices will refuse to allow you to enter evidence in this manner.

VIDEO - Executive Function

VideoThis video caught my attention as Dr. Doebel starts out by talking about how difficult it is to learn to drive. She explained that it was not due to learning later on in life rather than at 16 and that she would come back from her lessons totally wiped out. It was due to heavy use of the brain's executive function.

VIDEO - You Honk, You Wait!

VideoIt appears that drivers in Mumbai, India decided that if they all honked their horns the traffic signals changed to green faster. The resulting cacaphony results in sore eardrums, increased heart rate, added stress and contributes to traffic chaos. Something had to be done to preserve health and sanity.