
Information on specific vehicle equipment.

VIDEO - On The Road With The McIntyre Family

VideoThis TyreSafe video from the UK is equally valid here in British Columbia. Well, except for the 20p coin tread depth test of course! It urges you to consider the condition of your tires monthly, or at least prior to every long trip. In addition to what to check, it adds information on how tires can affect your ability to operate your vehicle safely.

RESOURCE - Winter Tires: A Review of Research on Effectiveness and Use

TIRF LogoThe Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) reports that using winter tires during the winter months can increase the likelihood of avoiding a costly collision. The challenge researchers discovered was getting drivers to use winter tires. The report looks at existing Canadian and international research on the efficacy of winter tires and their potential effects.

Is the Legal Minimum Tire Tread Depth Enough?

TireNo doubt this morning was an intensely exciting one for a driver that I passed by. She had obviously done some panicked steering on the rain soaked highway judging from the marks in the median and the amount of grass and mud in the fast lane. Others had already stopped to help and aside from being stuck in the median she and her vehicle appeared relatively unharmed.

Q&A - Tire Pressure Management Systems

Q&A ImageI am purchasing a set of winter tires and rims for my truck. My truck is a 2007 ford ranger. It comes standard with TPMS system. I have read that according to DOT it is mandatory in new vehicles since 2007. However Transport Canada's answer seems to be less specific and refers to the individual provinces licensing for "regulations" regarding TPMS.

RESOURCE - How to Determine the Legality of Lights

Driving LightsOf all the accessories purchased for our vehicles, lights and reflectors seem to be the most common. I've written about it frequently here on the site as many people's choices are based on "cool" instead of safe, proper and legal. The Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement web site has posted a link to a document that is a guide to the inspection and approval of lights and reflectors.

Reflecting on Reflectors

ReflectorsIt often went something like this: "I've stopped you because you don't have any reflectors." "But I have lights, I don't need reflectors!" "What happens if you are stranded at night and can't turn the lights on? Here's a repair order for your vehicle." "Don't you have anything better to do?"