
Information related to vehicle speed and speeding.

Q&A - Traffic Calming on Strata Properties

Q&A ImageI live in a Strata Complex in Coquitlam, road access to the homes is from a busy street. Strata Complex roads are narrow and require drivers to drive <25k - the problem in the community is some drivers risky behaviour is a source of concern for many. Safety measures have been investigated resulting in Speed bump installation, stop signs, etc. What other choices are there for helping to educate the drivers who choose to ignore the request to slow down.

VIDEO - Mistakes

VideoMistakes is a campaign launched by the New Zealand Transport Agency that "encourages the audience to be conscious of other road users and to choose a safer speed that factors in the chance for human error." I fear that the current speed limit review here in British Columbia will be driven by "me" centered drivers who have little or no consideration for other road users. This campaign gives valid reasons to support careful consideration of other factors beyond better roads and better vehicles should result in higher speed limits.

VIEWPOINT - My Day in Traffic Court

SoapboxI've recently attended a dispute hearing for a speeding in a municipality charge. When I arrived the officer greeted me in the hallway before the courtroom and invited me into a small interrogation room. He then asked me what my intentions were, and after a quick run down of the possible options, I replied that I was here to plead not guilty.

Radar and Laser Detectors

Radar DetectorI was asked what I thought about radar and laser detectors again today and why the government has not seen fit to outlaw them. It's an interesting question and definitely has as many answers as there are people to express an opinion. Let's take a look at it from the point of view of a mixed message delivered to drivers that may serve to promote a bad attitude.

Q&A - Bicycle Lane Speed Limits

Q&A ImageI understand that when driving in a bike lane the speed limit is 30km/hr. However the signage for these can be confusing at times I find. Here in North Vancouver for example there are narrow residential roads with images of a bike and two arrows painted directly on the road. This isn't a bike ONLY lane as it's more in the middle of the road with the traffic and is not bound by white lines.