NEWS - Neighbourhood Golf Carts

Neighbourhood Golf Cart SignStarting September 1, 2016 the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has authorized a pilot project to allow golf carts to operate on certain approved local roads in the Town of Qualicum Beach and the Village of Chase. Expected to last up to two years, the project will assess the use of golf carts as an alternative transportation method on low volume, low speed roads. The initiative is aimed at people who are interested in using vehicles other than automobiles to make local, short trips.

CASE LAW - R v Yeghiyan

BC Courts Coat of ArmsSos Yeghiyan was issued a violation ticket for speeding with a ticketed amount of $196 on March 28, 2016. He paid the discounted amount of that traffic ticket on March 31, 2016. On July 13, 2016 Mr. Yeghiyan appeared before Madam Justice Adair in Vancouver and attempted to withdraw his guilty plea. He was not successful.

Q&A - Tow for Unlicensed Scooter Justified?

Q&A ImageIt was necessary for me to move my 50cc scooter 3 miles from one storage location to another. It was daylight, the weather was good and there was no other traffic on the road at the time. I made an error of judgment and decided to make this move on my scooter without current tags since I would not be using it for several months. It did not occur to me to think about a day pass.

Skipping the Brake Check

Check Brakes SignPerhaps you saw news coverage of the out of control commercial truck collision on the Coquihalla Highway last Friday. Witness accounts from the scene speculated that the combination appeared to have lost it’s brakes and may not have stopped at the mandatory brake inspection pullout nearby. No doubt this will be either confirmed or disproved when the investigation of the incident is complete.

RESEARCH - Electronic Billboards and Distracted Driving

Electronic BillboardThe city of Sao Paulo, Brazil might have one answer to the problem of distracted driving, a complete ban on outdoor advertising. Research shows two things: drivers not focused on the task of driving are hazardous and electronic billboards draw a driver's attention through more and longer glances. Just how dangerous this might be appears to be a very complicated task because of the number of variables involved. The conclusions of the following reports indicate that lateral control of the vehicle is affected and drivers can be distracted for a dangerous period of time.

Q&A - We Need a Left Turn Lane

Q&A ImageI am frustrated !!

Our Mobile Home Park needs a left turn lane off Casorso road in Kelowna BC.

Casorso Road is a reasonable volume road with connections to schools, shopping centers, churches, residences, and other normal destinations.

As it passes by our 130 home park, very dangerous traffic activity occurs at the main entrance/exit.

CASE LAW - Ilett v Buckley

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case examines a collision between a cyclist, Kyle Ilett, and a driver, Leah Buckley, at the intersection of Admirals Road and Seenupin Road in Esquimalt, B.C. Mr. Ilett was riding northbound on the shoulder of Admirals Road nearing Seenupin Road. The shoulder was marked by a single solid white line on both sides of the road.