Q&A - Ticketed for Using Cell Phone When Engine was Off

Q&A ImageI was handed a traffic violation ticket today for 'use of electronic device when driving", however I was stopped in traffic in the right-most lane, and the engine to my vehicle was off due to a Start/Stop feature that shuts my engine down every time my car comes to a complete stop (for fuel efficiency purposes).

Do Bike Lanes Confuse Drivers?

Bike Lane SignI hate to admit it, but bicycle lanes confuse me. The Motor Vehicle Act (MVA) defines them as a designated use lane that is part of the highway, but not part of the roadway. Both the province and municipalities are able to create designated use lanes and restrict who may use them through legislation. You might be surprised about what this might mean for both cyclists and drivers.

Q&A - Left Turn from Wrong Lane

Q&A ImageSomething that I am seeing more frequently when leaving the Superstore here in Courtenay, and I wonder if you  are seeing it down your way. The link below shows the grey car in a left turning lane and when that driver receives the advanced left-turning signal, then turns onto Ryan Road heading toward the Island Hwy bypass. The lane to his right as you can see goes straight onto Sandwick Rd.