VIDEO - Double Crunch

VideoThis video of a multiple vehicle collision was contributed by the driver in the middle. He was stopped waiting to turn left with his wheels turned to the left in anticipation. The driver of pickup following behind apparently fails to notice the left turn driver slow and stop in front of him, resulting in the first collision.

Q&A - Driving without Consideration Ticket

New Driver Signs 2011My 18 year old son finally got his N on March 11/15.  He was involved in an accident on March 30/15  - he was traveling down a narrow roadway and had a momentary lapse in concentration (no phones/other people in the car) and the front tire of his car clipped the front tire of a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction - neither car was travelling at any great rate of speed - no ones airbags deployed.

Q&A - Let's Make a Deal

Q&A ImageI read through your "How to deal with a violation ticket" and came across your opinion that an offender can contact the enforcement officer directly and talk to him about other remedial options like driver training at a driving school to turn a negative thing into a positive reinforcement to become a better driver.

Q&A - Worth disputing the penalty for use of electronic device while driving?

Q&A ImageFirst the background. Got pulled over last week for checking a message on my cell phone. Traffic was bumper to bumper and not moving. The reason I checked my phone was, I let someone I had a meeting with know I would not be able to make it because of the traffic.

READING - A Deadly Wandering

A Deadly WanderingThis is a very interesting book about distracted driving. Interwoven with the story about Reggie Shaw and how he caused a double fatal collision by texting while driving is information on the research and researchers who are studying how our brain deals with the distraction from mobile phone use while driving. To put it bluntly, we are incapable of driving safely while using a mobile phone, hands on, hands free or texting while driving.

NZEV Zone in My Neighbourhood

NZEV SignI saw a new sign beside the road in my neighbourhood last week: NZEV Zone Begins. This means that I might now encounter Net Zero Emission Vehicles in my local travels. Also known as Low Speed Vehicles (LSV) or Neighbourhood Vehicles, these electric vehicles are designed to operate at speeds of 40 km/h or less.