Q&A - Traffic Light Timing
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I am wondering what is the minimum time a traffic light must give when changing from green to red?
I am wondering what is the minimum time a traffic light must give when changing from green to red?
I witnessed a discussion the other day about the difference between the charges of driving over .08 BAC and driving impaired. Over .08 BAC is obvious but what actions or behaviours can bring an impaired driving charge? Does it specifically refer to alcohol and drugs. Can a person be deemed impaired by illness, say dementia, or impaired by say a neck brace or cast?
The case of Stevanovic v Petrovic involves playing chicken by a driver who was certainly old enough to know better. Mr. Petrovic decided to do this with his friend Mr. Stevanovic who was standing in the street waiting to be picked up. The resulting collision caused a serious leg injury.
One of the conditions attached to the driver's license of any new driver in British Columbia's Graduated Licensing Program (GLP) is that the driver must have zero blood alcohol when they are operating a motor vehicle. Of course, the idea behind this is that the driver has enough to worry about while driving the vehicle without adding alcohol to the mix. So, what about drug use?
My son was ticketed with driving too fast for conditions. The air and roads were dry. No 'conditions'. He was in an unfamiliar area at night and was in a roundabout which had a steep ditch on one side. As he was unfamiliar with the round about, he simply turned into the curb instead of following the curve of the road, and ended up over the curb and slightly down the embankment.
This video is produced by the Michelin Tire people and illustrates four topics: shorter stopping distances with winter tires, control difficulties with mis-matched tires, braking with and without ABS and steering while braking with and without ABS. All of this is conducted on snow covered ground.
In this case, Ms. Kelly was attempting a left turn at an intersection on a multiple lane highway. Mr. Yuen was oncoming and had briefly stopped in the lane two away from the curb, the curb lane being a restricted lane for bus and cycle use only at the time.
I was caught using a cell phone while driving and handed a ticket. Being a tourist from California I didn't know about the new no cell phone law. But the officer's reasoning was that it is also unlawful to use a cell phone in California and decided to write me a ticket.
My questions are:
I recently had shoulder surgery and am in a sling for 7 weeks. I want to know if it is considered illegal to drive one armed?
I have a question relating to ambulances. When an ambulance is parked, not in a emergency situation, do they have the right to park anywhere they want to even though they are parked illegally??