Q&A - Designated Drivers

Counter Attack LogoI had a question regarding the Designated Driver Programs that are popping up around town.

On Grey Cup Sunday I had attended a sports bar with a plan to have 3 drinks in a 6 hour time frame and drive home. Well, at half time in the game, my plan was well out the window! At this point I was told of the Designated Driver Program that the bar offers.

I signed up for the service and enjoyed the rest of the game.

CVSE - Guide to Livestock Hauling

TranBC LogoThe Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure's Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (CVSE) branch as issued a publication titled "Your Guide to Livestock Hauling, An Overview of Trailer Licensing and Insurance." In addition to a discussion of licensing and insurance, the publication also provides information on how the National Safety Code applies to farm vehicle operations and whether or not a farm vehicle must report to weigh scales.

WEB SITE - Change the Conversation

TIRF LogoChange the Conversation is a national education program on impaired driving in Canada. It contains information about the magnitude and characteristics of the impaired driving problem across Canada, criminal and administrative laws relating to impaired driving, effective programs and policies to reduce impaired driving and the impaired driving system to deal with drunk drivers.

Drive Better!

RiskThere is such an incredible shortage of common sense about the practicalities of driving, as well as so many people who seem unable to think clearly any more. You cannot get people to drive better just by saying "drive better".

VIEWPOINT - Tax Grab / Cash Cow

SoapboxI came across this video in an e-mail I received a while back and figured that you might be interested. I think it should be shown here, on internet as well as on TV. For whatever reason it seems to me that most people still don't get it.  The new laws we have are not really a solution to the problem, more a tax grab and cash cow than anything else.

Government Review of New Impaired Driving Penalties

SoapboxEnforcement action against drivers having a blood alcohol content over 50 mg% (.05) began in 1977 here in British Columbia. In my view, it didn't become a marked deterrent until the recent significant penalty increases imposed by amendments to the Motor Vehicle Act. People are finally making the choice not to drink and drive in numbers that are easily visible.