CASE LAW - R v Lambert

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case involves a speeding ticket dispute. Mr. Lambert was the second of two vehicles, the first measured in radar at 130 km/h and his at 126 km/h. Mr. Lambert raised a number of issues common to lay people making a dispute.

CASE LAW - R v Dhaliwal

BC Courts Coat of ArmsIn this case Mr. Dhaliwal struck a 77 year old pedestrian and then failed to remain and render assistance as required. The pedestrian, Douglas Hull, came to rest under a van and was not discovered for about 25 minutes. He was conscious and alert when found but later died in hospital. The occupants of Mr.

Open Liquor in a Motor Vehicle

Drinking and Driving CounterAttack logoOn a sunny afternoon patrol one weekend I stopped a vehicle that had been exceeding the speed limit. As I approached, I could see two gray haired women in the front and two men of the same vintage in the rear of the car. I could also see a partially consumed cold beer in the hand of each of the men, who made no attempt to hide them from me.

CASE LAW - Schlappner v Serfas and Peknik

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case involves a collision that happened at an intersection where one street is controlled by traffic lights and the cross street by stop signs. Dr. Schlappner stopped at the stop sign, saw that the traffic lights were red and proceeded to cross the intersection. While he was crossing, the traffic signal turned green and a vehicle driven by Mrs. Serfas proceeded and collided with him.

CASE LAW - R v Moreno Munoz

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case involves a collision where one of the drivers involved was making a left turn at an intersection. That driver, Madame Moreno Munoz was charged for failing to yield on left turn. The trial examines the concept of "immediate hazard" and whether the left turning driver or the driver proceeding toward the left turn driver is required to yield to the other based on the immediate hazard involved.

VIDEO - The No Zone

VideoThis video is an excellent illustration of the "No Zone," an area around a heavy commercial truck where the driver has difficulty seeing small vehicles. All drivers should view this video as it will change their attitude about sharing the road for good. If you do find yourself in the "No Zone," never spend any longer there than you have to.

VIEWPOINT - Hit Them Where it Hurts

MegaphoneI know enforcement people have become powerless in smartening up drivers, but something has gotta give. It seems a though everyone is driving on THEIR road, not OUR road. This mentality is shared by I'm guessing half of drivers these days, commercial and four wheelers a like. Driving defensively all day to save some of these people's lives is becoming a drag to say the least.

REPORT - Ending Alcohol Impaired Driving: a Common Approach

Canadian Coat of ArmsOn June 17, 2009 the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights chaired by MP Ed Fast released a report titled "Ending Alcohol-Impaired Driving: A Common Approach." The report makes 10 recommendations, the most interesting of which says that police should be able to do random breath testing of drivers without having a reasonable suspicion that the drivers have alcohol in their bodies.