Passing on the Right

No Passing On The RightQuestion: Can you do an article on cars passing on the right? Especially when you are at an intersection on a two lane road and making a left turn. I have had cars whiz by me on the right because they were too impatient to wait.

Q&A - Red Light Camera Evidence

red light camera signI’m hoping you can point me in the right direction. My daughter was grazed by a driver who sped through a red light, to be honest she feels if she’d have been walking any faster she’d have been hit and likely killed due to the speed at which the car was traveling.

This happened at the intersection of Union Rd and Glenmore Rd in Kelowna, at exactly 10:45 pm as she walked to catch a bus.

How Far Away do I Park?

Measuring TapeI received a request from a gentleman who wanted others to know how far away drivers have to park from different roadside features. He has a problem with people parking across the end of his driveway rather than keeping their distance and is hoping that a reminder to other drivers might solve it. Is your measuring tape ready?

Notice & Order #3

Ticket WriterPolice often issue a legal document called a Notice & Order with box three checked to deal with minor vehicle defects. It requires that the person responsible make the repair as soon as possible and then report to a specific location within a set number of days to show that the repairs have been made.

CASE LAW - McKenna v Andrews

BC Courts Coat of ArmsCody Andrews and Barry McKenna were driving northbound on Highway 1 between Hutchinson and Chapman Roads in Cobble Hill. Mr. McKenna was operating a motorcycle in the left lane intending to make a left turn onto Hutchinson and Mr. Andrews was driving his sportscar in the right lane. When Mr. Andrews moved to the left lane, they collided.

VIDEO - Are Roundabouts Really Better Than a Traffic Signal?

VideoHere's another video from Road Guy Rob and this time around he's taking a look at roundabouts. He says that traffic signals are not scary but roundabouts can be, especially if you've never driven one before. Are these spinny circles really better that a traffic light or just a passing fad?

Dogs Don't Drive!

Dogs Dont DriveYour dog may be licensed, but it isn't a licence to drive a vehicle reminds a reader. This person was concerned about the number of human drivers that drive with their dogs riding in a position that might interfere with their control over the vehicle. They are correct, it's not a good idea, even with small dogs.

VIDEO- How to Stop Speeding in Your Neighbourhood

VideoThere's a little known secret that can be used to stop speeding in your neighbourhood. Make the roads more narrow! A wide, empty street just entices drivers to increase their speed. They will unconsciously readjust their perceived risk and drive at a speed based on how comfortable they feel driving on your street.