Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Flipping the Bird

Q&A ImageMaybe it,s just me,but if I was walking somewhere,and someone came  up behind me with a wepon (gun,knife,ect).and beiing trained in martial arts,It is my right to defend myself,,,as my life is at risk..I would be concidered somewhat of a hero,if I sucseeded to aprehend this criminal. If I did,nt sucseed,,Yes I could be dead or injured,,but at the time,,the choices beiing???????

Q&A - Excessive Speed and Vehicle Impound

Q&A ImageMy girlfriend used my car last night and was caught speeding. Besides the ticket, my vehicle was impounded for 7 days. I was out of province and returned today and now can't get to work. So... How is this my problem?

My car is insured, she has a license and was fined as well. She drove her car to pick me up.

She still allowed to drive but I can't?? This is absurd.

Q&A - Who is responsible for road markings?

Q&A ImageIs this a municipal or provincial responsibility? I see countless examples each year where there are many ways (or in cases, no reasonable way) to take the markings on the road, especially at <50 kph. If a person has these problems in understanding the intent and the expected behaviour, who should queries be directed to? Please advise? Thanks!

Q&A - Pedestrian Controlled Crosswalks

Q&A ImageI'm confused, please clarify BC road rules. At a pedestrian controlled crosswalk, after the pedestrian has cleared the crosswalk, though while the light is still solid red... Can the driver then proceed?

And also, if the pedestrian controlled crosswalk was red, can the car stopped at the stop signs (of the joining road) enter... And wait in front of the cross walk, or drive on thru?

Q&A - Right Turn Conflict With Motorcycle

Q&A ImageI was driving a Nissan xterra (fairly large vehicle) south on Ziprick just past Costco in Kelowna. As I approached the three way intersection I observed there was a motorcycle near the center lane with his right turn indicator flashing. As he was in what appeared to me as the straight thru lane I assumed he had left his indicator on in error.