CASE LAW - R v Khan

BC Courts Coat of ArmsShan Khan was a pedestrian trying to cross 152nd Street at 81st Avenue in Surrey. She crossed to the median barrier dividing the four lanes of traffic and waited for the approaching vehicles to stop. When the vehicle using the lane nearest to her did stop, she began to cross. Unfortunately the driver behind that vehicle did not stop, changed lanes to pass it and struck Ms. Khan.

We Need Another Sign

60 kmh speed signI live near a section of Highway 19 that travels through a built up area. The highway changes from 4 lanes divided by a barrier with a posted speed of 90 km/h to 4 lanes that is not divided posted at 60 km/h. So few people slow to 60 that I often hear long time locals asking new residents if they have gotten a speeding ticket there yet.

Before the median barrier was installed, this 60 km/h zone was part of the highest collision zone policed by Central Vancouver Island Traffic Services.

Q&A - Insecure Load

Q&A Imageevery week or so, I haul a load of dead fish to another town, in a 53 foot tanker. This trailer is loaded by the fish producers, then it is sealed, brought out to the highway, where I pick it up and begin my 3 hour trip to deliver.

CASE LAW - R v Rahmani

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis is an appeal to the Supreme Court over the dismissal of a number of violation tickets by Judicial Justice Adair. In each case the justice decided to dismiss these traffic tickets because they took too long to proceed to trial. Neither the Crown nor the disputants involved had any input into these decisions.

RESOURCE - A Right to the Road: Understanding & Addressing Bicyclist Safety

Bike Route SignThis document from the Governor's Highway Safety Association is the result of analysis of fatal bicycle / motor vehicle crash data in the United States from 1975 to 2015. Causes for the collisions were examined and 30 recommendations are made that address planning, resource allocation, education and training, public outreach, policy and technology to make gains in bicycle safety.


BC Courts Coat of ArmsMatthew Salo was riding his hybrid bicycle and approaching a stop sign at an intersection with North End Road on Saltspring Island. His intention was to slow down and turn right without stopping if traffic permitted. There was a beige SUV stopped at the stop sign intending to turn in the same direction. Circumstances of what actually occurred next are unclear and Mr. Salo has no recollection of the incident himself due to injuries suffered. None the less, he claims negligence on the part of the driver and makes a civil claim against ICBC for damages.