RESOURCE - The Motorcycle Safety Foundation Library

Motorcycle Safety Foundation LogoThe Motorcycle Safety Foundation is the internationally recognized developer of the comprehensive, research-based, Rider Education and Training System (RETS). RETS curricula promotes lifelong-learning for motorcyclists and continuous professional development for certified RiderCoaches(SM) and other trainers.

Ask DriveSmartBC

Question MarkI am blessed with a steady stream of questions that arrive from visitors to this web site. Whenever I am short on ideas to base my weekly article on I can count on someone to make a suggestion. This week the operative word is short, and I'm going to deal with questions that haven't developed into a full article but deserve a response.

Q&A - Accident or ??

Q&A ImageAm I the only one who has been intrigued by the Law Firms who post advertisements seeking witnesses to "accidents"?

It would seem that, by that terminology, they have just weakened their client's case by admitting that it was "accidental".  Should that determination not be made by the Court?

PROGRAM - Citizen Led Traffic Calming

Road Safety Starts With YouThe City of Kitchener, Ontario has worked with it's residents to create a Neighbourhood Strategy and Implementation Plan. The Neighbourhood Strategy recommendations; called Love My Hood; encourages residents to take a lead role in making their neighbourhood great, with a commitment that City of Kitchener staff will help them every step along the way.

The Ultimate Selfish Driving Act

Truck Tractor and TrailerWhile out for a walk the other afternoon I approached a driver who had stopped in his lane, in a corner, to talk to a couple of pedestrians on the other side of the road. Normally, this is a relatively quiet street but the driver is still making a poor choice. His action was unsafe due to poor sight lines for approaching drivers.

ALTERNATIVES - The Extended Practice Test

Back to Square OneHere's an interesting item from the United Kingdom: Drivers may be ordered by the courts to retake their driving theory test and take an extended practical driving test to return to full licence status. This is may be part of the penalty for a dangerous driving conviction or conviction for any offence that carries a mandatory driving prohibition.