Go First, Think Second

Backing UpI've started to take my own advice and back into parking stalls more often. There have been some unique experiences, mostly pedestrians that blithely march past the back of my vehicle ignoring the signal and backup lights, but there are drivers who want to go first and think second. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to include myself in that category this time around.

CASE LAW - Truax v Hryb

BC Courts Coat of ArmsHarvey Truax stopped his empty B train combination on the shoulder of Highway 1 near Sorrento, B.C. He allowed the 4 vehicles that had been following him to pass by before he started to make a left turn across the highway into a pullout. His left signal was in operation and he had 300 to 400 m. of highway visible behind him. Finding no overtaking traffic, he began to move from the shoulder into the pullout across the highway.

Q&A - Hung Up in the Right Turn Lane

Q&A ImageOften, if heading north when I am on Bowen Road I will make a left turn at the Co-op bar (just above the Toyota and other car dealerships), I then turn right onto Shenton Road and run parallel to the old Island Highway until I pass Steve Marshall Ford where I use the right hand turn lane to join the traffic on Jingle Pot road and move over a lane to be able to turn left at the traffic lights onto the Old Island Hwy, heading north

Q&A - First Ticket

New Driver Signs 2011A few days ago, I have just received my first Novice License and had retained my L for a year without any issue or ticket. Today, I have driven up Burnaby mountain, and down for the first time and was ticketed out a speeding at 92km/hour in a 60km/hour zone.

RESOURCE - The Motorcycle Safety Foundation Library

Motorcycle Safety Foundation LogoThe Motorcycle Safety Foundation is the internationally recognized developer of the comprehensive, research-based, Rider Education and Training System (RETS). RETS curricula promotes lifelong-learning for motorcyclists and continuous professional development for certified RiderCoaches(SM) and other trainers.

Ask DriveSmartBC

Question MarkI am blessed with a steady stream of questions that arrive from visitors to this web site. Whenever I am short on ideas to base my weekly article on I can count on someone to make a suggestion. This week the operative word is short, and I'm going to deal with questions that haven't developed into a full article but deserve a response.