Q&A - I'm Not Going To Do It

Q&A ImageI have been issued a notice and order box 3 for my tinted tail lights. It is just spray paint and the notice says "Replace tinted tail lights". There are no boxes filled out on the description of the defect portion of the ticket. My questions are where do I hand this ticket in and is this really that serious?

Transporting Propane and Other Flammable Gases

Propane TankToday's explosion in West Vancouver left a car barely recognizable, injured passers by and did damage to many nearby buildings. The owner of the car left a leaking cylinder of acetylene gas inside and the windows and doors closed. The tiny spark generated by the electric door locks was enough to trigger what amounted to a bomb.

Q&A - Driving a US Resident's Vehicle in BC

Q&A ImageIf a US resident comes to BC with his/her US licensed and insured vehicle to visit friends or family, is there a restriction about who can drive the vehicle?  Can a BC licensed driver operate the vehicle, and if so, does the owner of the vehicle have to be in the vehicle while it is being driven by the BC driver.

Keep Back From Fire Trucks

Fire TruckFire trucks have a special privilege granted to no other emergency vehicle in British Columbia. You must not follow them within 150 meters or 500 feet unless you are also driving an emergency vehicle. Having never been a firefighter I was curious and thought that I would ask the experts and find out why this rule exists.

Q&A - Unsecured Shipping Container

Q&A ImageI'm a class 1 driver and haul containers around the Port of Vancouver. I was given a ticket by a CVSE officer for having 1 of my 4 twist locks undone. (Twist locks are on each corner of the trailer and they lock down the container to the trailer). I'm not planning on denying it was undone and he took pictures anyways, I'm just wanting to know the likelyhood that a deal could be made on the court date.

Bicycle Lanes, Signs and Markings

Bike Route SignA reader from Vancouver asked me where the rules came from for bicycle lanes and signs as they could not be found in the provincial driving manual, Learn to Drive Smart. Included in the e-mail was a link to the City of Vancouver's web site which showed a collection of signs and markings that are now in use on the city streets there. I didn't think that this was going to be a tough question!

VIEWPOINT - No more traffic court?

SoapboxNew Bill 52, to amend traffic court, is this proposed change scaring the crap out of anyone else? It looks the BC Government is further eroding any illusion that drivers of this province have any rights at all.

A new tribunal for traffic ticket disputes? Will it be as one sided and biased and unfair as the ones set up for the new drinking and driving legislation? Or will it be worse?