CASE LAW - Lutter v Smithson

BC Courts Coat of ArmsGlen and Tralee Mazu's daughter Brianne held a 19th birthday party with their consent on family property. A minor guest, Dallas Smithson, became very drunk and eventually drove away from the party in a borrowed vehicle. He collided with a taxi, killing the taxi driver and injuring the passenger, Jeremy Lutter.

Q&A - My First Speeding Ticket

image of N and L Driver signs for BCI got my first speeding ticket a couple of weeks ago while still on my N. When I first got my N, I was told that the earliest month that I would be able to take the Class 5 test was May or June of this year. However, how will this speeding ticket affect my insurance, driving record, and my right to take the Class 5 test as scheduled? (Other than a couple of parking tickets, my driving record is clean).

VIDEO - Denial

VideoThis is another video from the Australian Transport Accident Commission of Victoria state. Denial is the winner of the 2005 Make a Film, Make a Difference competition. The competition is designed to encourage young film makers to submit an idea that will make their mates think twice before taking risks on the road.

Changing Lanes and Merging Traffic

Improper TurningWould you write something in one of your articles about people turning at intersections and immediately going into the right lane and cutting off other motorist merging into traffic? This is one of my biggest pet peeves in the traffic world. I have seen and experience where to person who is merging is getting the horn and finger wave even though they were in the right.

VIEWPOINT - Flashing Headlights to Warn of Police

SoapboxIt has always struck me that warning of a speed trap is a violation no different to being an accessory to a crime by warning the bank robber that the police are coming. Certainly very difficult to enforce.

And to take it a step further, what about radio stations that warn drivers over the air of speed enforcement areas. Could they increase the scope of what they perceive as public service to include DUI stop checks?

Q&A - Can't See The Lane Markings, do I Follow the Tracks?

Q&A ImageQUESTION: Just wondering....when the roads are snow covered and you can't see the painted lines but there are tracks worn in the snow and are not within the 'lanes' what are ther legal responsibilities and duties especially if one is in an accident because one person is in the 'lane' and the other is in the worn tracks.