Do We Really Want Safe Roads?

Ticket WriterAccording to media reports some drivers are taking advantage of the current light traffic conditions to behave badly. When stopped by police and ticketed for their actions the latest response is "Why aren't you fighting the epidemic instead of writing tickets?" I have it on good authority that you are more likely to die in a traffic collision than you are from contracting the COVID-19 virus.

CASE LAW - Henderson v McGregor

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case involves an instance of road rage involving two drivers, Michael Henderson and Jacqueline McGregor on Highway 99 near the George Massey Tunnel in the Lower Mainland. At the conclusion of the trial, Mr. Justice Walker found that Ms. McGregor had committed an unprovoked assault on Mr. Henderson and assessed almost $35,000 in damages.

Commentary Driving

New Driver SignsCommentary driving is a very useful tool for teaching a new driver. It involves narrating their observations, interpretations and intentions about the traffic situation as they drive. This narrative is expected to take place before the fact and gives the instructor or examiner insight into what the driver is seeing (or not seeing) and how they intend to proceed.


Question MarkRoad Safety Vision, Vision Zero and B.C. Road Safety Strategy, three programs that you will see mentioned repeatedly on this site. However, what you won't see are the results of these programs. I used my favourite search engine this morning to try and track down some results that show the aims in these programs being met, or changes that are being made because what we are doing is not working.

Perpetuating Mediocrity

New Driver SignsI once stopped a vehicle being driven at 96 km/h in a posted 50 km/h construction zone. Approaching the passenger side, I spoke with the woman in the front seat and the young lady driving. When I explained why I stopped them, the woman suggested that she was unable to get the driver to slow down, and maybe I could do something about it.

CASE LAW - R v Cool

BC Courts Coat of ArmsEmperatriz Cool was stopped in Richmond, B.C. for the offence of using an electronic device while driving. Cst. Schmidt had obtained her driver's licence after speaking with her and then issued a violation ticket. She disputed the ticket, making a no evidence motion at the close of Crown's case. She suggested that Cst. Schmidt had failed to properly identify her as the driver.

READING - Safe Micromobility

As BC moves to test alternative methods of transportation using vehicles that would have been forbidden on the highway in past, this document will be interesting reading. It examines the traffic safety of pedal cycles, electrically assisted cycles and electrically powered personal mobility devices such as e-scooters, whether owned or shared, in an urban context.

Ignore Them, They'll Go Away

delete keyLast September the Parents Advisory Committee (PAC) at the Ecole Oceanside Elementary School in Parksville asked me to help establishing a crossing guard program for what they considered to be a dangerous intersection at one corner of the school grounds. In past, the principal had raised the issue of liability concerns that needed to be looked into and that was the end of the conversation.