Q&A - Candlepower Restrictions

Q&A ImageIt used to be that there was a candle power restriction for vehicles but these days none.  I was driving along the other day and an approaching car had the high beam on.  I flashed my high beam in hopes they would switch to low beam but no.  As the car drew closer I was being blinded and had to slow down. 

Q&A - Rules About Scooters

motorcycleHi, I’ve scoured the net for laws for scooters and I can’t find very much.  I live in North Vancouver so there are a lot of hills.  My scooter drops down to as low as 20 with some hills so, of course, drivers don’t like this.  I move over to the right (bicycle lanes) but have been told that we are not allowed to use bicycle lanes.

Leaving Your Vehicle Unsecured

hand putting key in car door lockIt is not uncommon to watch a vehicle pull up in the parking lot of a service station or convenience store and watch the driver get out and walk inside, leaving the vehicle unlocked, idling and unattended. What better opportunity for a car thief or joyrider can a person provide? Most people will say "I just went inside for a minute." Just a minute is more than a thief requires to leave you stranded.

Q&A - Surrendering Licence to Mitigate Points

Q&A ImageThis weekend I was speedtrapped with a speed measuring device, and awarded an excessive speeding ticket (105 in 60 zone). I have been travelling on a motorcycle in the left lane, wanted to merge into the right to let the car behind me pass, gained speed to get ahead of the cars in the right lane and was caught on a radar.