CASE LAW - Pacheco v Degife

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis minor collision turned alcohol fuelled road rage incident occurred on May 31, 2008 on Beach Avenue in Vancouver. Enrique Pacheco had stopped his car in the middle of Beach Avenue. A car driven by Tesfay Degife approached from the rear, sounded the horn and drove around the stopped vehicle.

Do Roundabouts and Traffic Circles Make You Dizzy?

Traffic CircleLove them or hate them, roundabouts and traffic circles are a fact of life for BC drivers. They slow traffic at intersections without stopping it, providing good throughput and increased safety. They are also environmentally friendly as idle time at intersections can be reduced or eliminated depending on traffic volume. All that is left for us to do, if my e-mail is any indication, is to learn to use them properly.

Post Crash Seatbelt Use Investigation

SeatbeltPart of the investigation of any serious motor vehicle collision is an examination of the seatbelts to determine if the person in that seating position was restrained or not. The outcome could determine whether a ticket for failing to wear the restraint was issued or not but I suspect that more commonly the information was used to determine liability. If you were not wearing your seatbelt your award for injury could be reduced by the courts.

REPORT - Health Impacts of Traffic Mishaps and Opportunities for Road Safety

VIHA LogoBetween 2001 and 2008, more than 5,600 VIHA residents were hospitalized and 443 died a result of transport - related motor vehicle events. More people die at a young age from transport - related collisions involving motor vehicles than any other injury - related cause of death.

CASE LAW - R v Song

BC Courts Coat of ArmsMr. En Song received a traffic ticket for speeding in a school zone while traveling down a steep hill.  He had some difficulty communicating with the police officer due to language problems. He had asked what his speed was and the officer did not tell him. He paid the ticket in full within 30 days.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Three MonkeysAs a parent, I know that children will do things that they are not supposed to, even after you caution them not to and explain what the consequences might be for disobeying. It takes effort and a sense of responsibility to follow up and make sure that the rules are followed.

CASE LAW - R v McMullen

BC Courts Coat of ArmsBrendan McMullen was convicted of speeding against a municipal sign in Burnaby, B.C. on January 22, 2014. His vehicle's speed had been visually estimated at 90 km/h in the posted 60 km/h zone on the Lougheed Highway near the North Road intersection. The Judicial Justice of the Peace found Cst. Bayer's evidence of the speed to prove the Crown's case beyond a reasonable doubt.

Q&A - More Light Needed

Q&A ImageFor me, the high beams on my '95 and '96 Dodge Ram trucks are inadequate. Certainly, this likely has something to do with my being 73. I avoid driving in the dark, but sometimes I must. I keep both the inside and the outside of my windshield clean, and the pitting from sand, etc is minimal.