Q&A - Flashing Yellow and Green Traffic Lights

Q&A ImageI'm a visitor from Virginia, and have been driving in the Vancouver area for a few times in the past. I have read the DriveSmartBC website information on flashing traffic lights but I still need some assistance: what is / are the difference(s) between a flashing yellow light and a flashing green light?

Carpooling Makes Sense

Carpooling Makes SenseCarpooling makes sense, no doubt about it. It cuts down on emissions, saves commuting costs, reduces congestion on our highways and helps us feel good for being part of the solution rather than part of the problem. For the most part, as far as the laws are concerned, true carpooling is relatively unregulated too.

CASE LAW - R v Cole

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case contains a discussion about wilful blindness. Garret Cole received a notice of intent to prohibit in the mail from the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles at the beginning of August of 2011 that advised him he could have the prohibition reviewed. Mr. Cole did pay the fee and had the review conducted.

Q&A - Sending Photos of Dangerous Drivers to ICBC

Q&A ImageHighway 33, from above Big White turn off to Beaverdale is getting very dangerous. Travelling either way, cars are waiting too long to pass, and end up returning to their lane on double solid lines, just prior to a corner, and often on the curve of the corner. Anyone coming the other way would have no chance of avoiding a head on collision.

Q&A - Old Car - No Seatbelts - Children

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We have a 1956 Ford Victoria, no seatbelts of course. I know it is legal for us to not have seatbelts on, but what about kids who are of the age that they no longer need a booster seat? Can we legally take them out in the car? Our grandsons are always wanting to go for a ride, and we say no as we do not have seat belts. What do you have to say about this?