A Happy Story about Older Drivers

Smiley FaceThank you to everyone who responded to my request for a positive topic to write about!

I heard from both a driving school instructor and a senior on this one, which is the idea that many older drivers take their driving responsibilities very seriously. So seriously in fact, that some choose to stop driving through their own choice rather than because they are forced to.

Q&A - Notice and Order #2

Sherlock Holmes like graphicQUESTION: I was pulled over yesterday by a member of the police and issued a ticket and inspection order for illegal front window tint. I asked that I be able to remove the tint myself and then present the vehicle and notice to a peace officer.

RESOURCE - The iRAP Road Safety Tool Kit

Road Safety Toolkit LogoThe Road Safety Toolkit provides free information on the causes and prevention of serious road crashes. Building on decades of road safety research, the Toolkit helps engineers, planners and policy makers develop safety plans for car occupants, motorcyclists, pedestrians, bicyclists, heavy vehicle occupants and public transport users.


CASE LAW - R v Reid

BC Courts Coat of ArmsIn the case of R v Reid, Judge Lemiski examines an incident in which Reid was the driver of a motor vehicle that fatally injured a young boy in a parking lot. Reid parked her vehicle, failed to place the gear selector in park, and then mistook the gas for the brake, pinning the boy between her vehicle and a building.

Operating a Dangerous Machine

image of dangerous machinery warning signImagine a machine that almost anyone can buy and operate. You read the training manual, practice it's use under the supervision of someone who is also a user and has some proficiency in it's operation. Finally, you take a test to see if you too have basic proficiency in it's operation. If you pass, the supervisor lets you use the machine with minimal oversight as you see fit.

The Collision Repair Company's Courtesy Vehicle

Toy CarI was sitting at a red light this afternoon watching the approaching traffic. Two vehicles entered the left turn lane on the street to my left, one unremarkable and the other covered in advertising telling me that it was the courtesy vehicle for a well known collision repair company. Both were signaling for the left turn.