Q&A - Prohibition Review

New Driver Signs 2011So I recently got my letter from the superintendent informing me of my unsatisfactory driving record, and that I will be prohibited from driving for 3 months. My first speeding ticket was on April 28th 2014 going 70~km/h in a 60km zone and my second was on Dec 24th, 2014. For my second ticket I was caught going 89km/h in a 50km zone.

Q&A - All Traffic Lights Red at the Same Time

Q&A ImageSometime around 15 to 20 years ago I remember reading in one of the Courtenay newspapers, someone from the City of Courtenay saying that they were changing the timing of the lights in intersections from (possibly) a half second to a full second – meaning all the lights would be red for this amount of time.

VIDEO - Three Invisible Pedestrians

VideoThere're quite a few accidents daily in Vancouver, pedestrians being hit. Just last night, someone was hit in New West and they had to close Stewardson Way. Its crazy the way people walk here. Full deep black is not visible through a wet screen with a thousand lights flashing in your eyes from the oncoming cars lights.

Why Don't We Teach Driving in School?

Question Mark"Will driver education ever be made mandatory?" asks a DriveSmartBC reader. "Why don't we teach driving in high school?" While I would like to see mandatory training I don't think that this could be done well in high schools because of the lack of an opportunity to actually drive under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

Q&A - Are we legally required to use flashers at a controlled left hand turn intersection?

Q&A ImageI often sit in a left hand turn controlled lane with 10 or more cars, all of us with our left turn indicators flashing away. We eventually drive through the left hand turn under the control of the left hand turn signal, still with our flashers clicking away.

The Officer Should Have Exercised Discretion

Good Cop, Bad CopThe subject of an officer using his or her discretion in the issuance of a traffic ticket is often part of the explanation in the discussion forum on the DriveSmartBC web site. People asking for assistance in formulating their defence in traffic court often feel that in their case the officer should have given them a warning instead of a ticket. Sometimes I agree with them and sometimes I don't.

Q&A - Too Slippery to Stop & Was Ticketed

Q&A ImageI recently received a ticket that I plan to dispute. The alleged offense was disobeying a stop sign. I would like to know if/how road conditions can factor into a dispute. The stop sign was at the end of a downhill exit ramp that led to a straight-ahead-or-left-turn-only intersection (left turn through underpass), and onto a different highway.

RESOURCE - Rolling in the City

Surveyor AheadThis is a blog with great potential. It appears to be very recently created by a gentleman named Roy, a BC resident, and is intended to be a resource on transportation planning. Hopefully he will also blog about the transportation planning issues that he encounters in his job. This is the only BC based blog of its kind that I am aware of.