Q&A - 4 Wheeler Gripe

Q&A ImageI'm a semi truck driver and I've been cut off so many times by passenger vehicles racing around me to take an off ramp. They pull in front and hit their brakes. It's been close a couple times to the point I'm going to buy a dashcam to protect myself.

Driving with Collision Damage

car being towedYou’ve been involved in a fender bender and now your vehicle is damaged. The headlight is pointing at the sky, the signal light is missing and the bumper had to be removed so that the tire has room to steer. The appointment with an insurance adjuster is pending, and you can’t even think about the body shop yet. Can you just keep driving until the vehicle is repaired?

PSYCHOLOGY - Driving Personality Test

Road RageThis 60 question test from the folks at Psychology Today magazine will present you with your driving strengths and weaknesses when you complete it. The site suggests that it takes 20 minutes to complete, but I managed to get through it in about 10 minutes without rushing. Answer honestly and see how you rate as a safe or risky driver.

RESEARCH - Drug Impaired Driving Among Canadian Teens

TIRF New LogoParents must discuss the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs with their teenagers. Currently 36.6% of teen fatalities tested positive for alcohol and 39.2% tested positive for drugs. In this context drugs include illegal, over the counter and prescription drugs. Cannabis was by far the most prevalent substance, with 28.6 per cent of fatally-injured drivers testing positive for it. The trend is downward for alcohol and upward for drugs.